NIBRT Awarded Investors in Diversity Bronze Accreditation from Irish Centre for Diversity

NIBRT is delighted to have been awarded Investors in Diversity Bronze accreditation from the Irish Centre for Diversity in recognition of our commitment to a diverse and equal workplace. Investors in Diversity Bronze affirms that the organisation has built a strong foundation to embed Diversity & Inclusion across the operation and is equipped for the journey of becoming more equitable and inclusive.  

In order to gain the Investors in Diversity Bronze mark, organisations must evidence that they have put in place appropriate D&I Policies, have effectively communicated the policies to all staff and have undertaken D&I training for all Leaders.

On our gender equity journey to date NIBRT is very proud that 53% of our employee population, 57% of our wider management team and 54% of our board are women. We also have 18 different nationalities currently employed at NIBRT. The Bronze award is recognition of progress to date and we look forward to continuous improvement and the path towards Silver accreditation. 

Supported by Ibec, Investors in Diversity is Ireland’s premier D&I accreditation mark. The programme recognises existing efforts and supports the journey of continuous improvement by providing a structured framework to transform practices and culture.

For more information visit

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