Marina Castro Rivadeneyra

Marina graduated in 2016 from Basic and Experimental Biomedicine in the University of Seville (Spain). In summer 2015 Marina did an internship in the Division of Cancer Research in the University of Dundee (Scotland) under the supervision of Dr Clarke. Her final undergraduate project was conducted in CABIMER (Spain) in the area of Genomic Instability, supervised by Dr Wellinger. After finishing her MSc in Omic Data Analysis in the University of Vic (Spain) and conducting her final Master thesis on epigenetics in Dr Esteller’s lab in IDIBELL (Spain). She joined Dr Clarke’s bioinformatics lab in NIBRT as a Ph.D. student on his SFI CDA grant, in November 2017. She is currently working on the analysis of miRNA and RiboSeq data from CHO cells aiming to further elucidate molecular processes driving biopharmaceutical production.