Leticia Martins Mota

Letícia completed her chemical technician degree in 2007 followed by a degree in Pharmacy from Federal University of Alfenas, Brazil in 2014. During her undergraduate period she was selected and funded by the Brazilian federal government to study and research at University of Manitoba, Canada, for one year. She continued her education with a MBA in Cosmetology completed in 2017. From 2014 to 2017 she worked in the R&D, Regulatory Affairs and Strategic Purchasing departments at pharmaceutical companies in Brazil. In September 2017 she started her Ph.D. at UCD and joined the NIBRT Cell Technology Group as a Ph.D. researcher under the supervision of Dr Michael Butler. Her research is on Design of Single Glycoform Antibodies using Solid Phase Enzymatic Remodelling. Projects: Chemoenzymatic glycan remodelling Proposal (a) Optimize reaction conditions for targeted glycoform production by enzymatic modification (b) Determine receptor binding capacity of specific glycoforms produced. (c) Focus on defucosylation using a novel fucosidase for enzymatic remodelling or use a fucose transferase inhibitor in the bioprocess. Establish the relationship between fucosylated glycans and Fc receptor binding.